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Manyitems on Mormonism Blog
Great Quotes About Joseph Smith's Translation of the Book of Abraham In This Video
Now Playing: Scholars' Review of the LDS Book of Abraham
Scholars' Review of the LDS Book of Abraham 

Posted by manyitems at 12:01 AM CST
If any of you lack wisdom...


Posted by manyitems at 1:26 PM CST
The Best Video About Joseph Smith's Purported Translation of the Book of Abraham
Now Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5FAFVVv_os

The Joseph Smith Papyri [Book of Abraham]

I think the video creator may be affiliated with, or at least knowledgeable about,  http://mormonthink.com

Posted by manyitems at 1:15 PM CST
I love this picture reminding us about Mormon fiction
Now Playing: Download it at http://imgur.com/0KiMpz5
Post by a clever (and obviously non-believing) BYU student:

Posted by manyitems at 1:02 PM CST
Updated: 01/17/2016 1:09 PM CST
Mormon Bandwagon Is An Excellent Web Site
Now Playing: Learn more about leaving the LDS Church at Mormon Bandwagon



 Mormon Bandwagon is a fantastic web site. The author hopes it will be a place to safely share perspectives regarding the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormon church.

Posted by manyitems at 6:35 AM CST
Updated: 01/09/2016 11:36 AM CST
50 Problems With the Mormon Church: A 10-min. Video
Now Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcQthyiTA7c




Posted by manyitems at 6:33 AM CST
The Flying Spaghetti Monster Appeared During Joseph Smith's First Vision

Pastafarians, behold the glory of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

Have you too been touched by his noodly appendage? The Flying Spaghetti Monster, or FSM, is typically depicted--at least in images that show Joseph Smith's first vision of the FSM--as a cluster of spaghetti noodles wrapped around meatballs with protruding eyes.




Posted by manyitems at 6:02 AM CST
"I'm the burning in your bosom, baby." --Holy Ghost Image
Mood:  caffeinated

Here's an updated version of the holy spirit cartoon that was posted a few weeks ago. The title at the top read "The Holy Ghost" and the holy spirit's ragged t-shirt reads "I'm the Burning in Your Bosom, Baby". The url in the bottom right corner is http://goo.gl/yCzKwM which directs to Google search results for [burning in the bosom site:mormon.org].






Posted by manyitems at 9:21 AM CST
New infographic about Mormon or LDS Tithing

Regardless of what they say, it really is true that Mormons believe you cannot return to God (i.e., dwell in the celestial kingdom in the afterlife) unless you pay tithing. In other words, if you want to go to the highest level of heaven, it'll cost you.




Posted by manyitems at 9:07 PM CDT
That's right, that burning in your bosom must be the holy ghost.


Well, that's what members of the LDS Church (or Mormon Church) say--it's a burning in the bosom that tells them that theirs is the only true church on earth. 

Posted by manyitems at 9:33 PM CDT
Happy Halloween! Meet the Mormon holy ghost!

In the Book of Mormon, we read that God will not forgive those who deny the holy spirit: "For behold, if ye deny the Holy Ghost when it once has had place in you, and ye know that ye deny it, behold, this is a sin which is unpardonable; yea, and whosoever murdereth against the light and knowledge of God, it is not easy for him to obtain forgiveness; yea, I say unto you, my son, that it is not easy for him to obtain a forgiveness." This verse is found in Alma 39:6.


Posted by manyitems at 6:33 AM CDT
The facts about the LDS Book of Abraham are bothering a lot of Mormons
Mood:  accident prone
To people outside the LDS Church, claims about the Book of Abraham conclusively destroy Joseph Smith's credibility. But to true-believing Mormons, the Book of Abraham is just one more reason to "believe no matter what".

Posted by manyitems at 6:03 PM CDT
The facts about the LDS Book of Abraham are bothering a lot of Mormons
To people outside the LDS Church, claims about the Book of Abraham conclusively destroy Joseph Smith's credibility. But to true-believing Mormons, the Book of Abraham is just one more reason to "believe no matter what".

Posted by manyitems at 6:02 PM CDT
Joseph Smith Saw the Flying Spaghetti Monster in His First Vision
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: the FSM!



Joseph Smith's vision of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is catching a lot of attention from Pastafarians as well as people don't believe in the FSM.

Posted by manyitems at 12:01 AM CDT
"Letter to a CES Director - Why I Lost My Testimony" takes the bloggernacle by storm!
Mood:  energetic
It's the truth. Check out this rather comprehensive summary of problems with LDS doctrine. Google will show you just how many people are reading it and talking about it.

Posted by manyitems at 1:54 PM CDT
Updated: 10/10/2014 6:29 PM CDT
Violence in the Book of Mormon

The violence in the Book of Mormon is well-documented. Many Mormons defend the Book of Mormon as a sacred book, however.



Posted by manyitems at 12:01 AM CDT
Love the "Mr. Deity and the Evil" Episode on YouTube
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzf8q9QHfhI
You've gotta see Mr. Deity and the Evil. It's hilarious (although God is cruel, cruel, cruel) and only a few minutes long.

Posted by manyitems at 12:01 AM CDT

Welcome to the Manyitems Blog. I'm thankful you could visit.


Posted by manyitems at 6:56 AM CDT
Updated: 10/30/2014 8:02 PM CDT

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